Treat yourself this Mothers Day

Treat yourself this Mothers Day

You CAN get authority over your new-found curves! Yes, I know, there is practically zero chance your body will ever go back in the shape it was and you DO need to grieve over your lost body and give space and compassion to the new one. And I will guide you every step of the way! After our session, you will feel empowered, sexy, and feminine🤗

“I’ve gained so much weight over the lockdown”

“I’ve gained so much weight over the lockdown”

This is the phrase I keep hearing so often these days from my clients. And it’s not a bloody joke that the moment of coming out into the world, taking your layers off for spring and feeling probably the most conscious and vulnerable about our bodies, all fell into the same short time frame! So I urge you all, my dear friends, don’t cover up in shapeless tops- let the clothes work for you!