Freja was not the easiest of babies.
She hardly liked any type of food, I was dreading every meal time, as I knew she'd scream her head off as soon as I approached with the bib and try to put her in a high chair. Yes, I did try baby-led weaning, even though I did achieve some results, I was still exhausted and my brain turned to mush.
She also wasn’t a good sleeper. I was woken up every day at 5am for a very long time… probably till she was 2… can’t remember exactly now as she is 7. I was insistent to try and get her to go back to sleep by holding her in the dark room, often crying from exhaustion.
In fact, as an A-type person, I always thought I could find the solution to anything and it’s all up to me… Well, the main thing I learnt in parenting, is that you need to abandon any plans and expectations and JUST GO WITH THE FLOW - the hardest lesson ever, if you ask me.
Why am I telling you all this?
I know that as new mums, we NEVER think about ourselves, it’s all about the baby and we COMPLETELY lose our identity.
Well, I have news for you!
I have the perfect gift for new mum’s, better than any hamper for new mum’s, that can bring joy into your life this Mother’s Day, a different type of joy, from the one you feel when you see your baby smile 🧡
And you know how you're gonna feel after?
You're gonna feel like you are not just a baby-feeding and a snot-wiping machine. You’re gonna feel human, sexy, and inspired 🤩💃🏽
You CAN get authority over your new-found curves! Yes, I know, there is practically zero chance your body will ever go back in the shape it was and you DO need to grieve over your lost body and give space and compassion to the new one. And I will guide you every step of the way! After our session, you will feel empowered, sexy, and feminine🤗
Are you in?
1. I can host a VIRTUAL STYLE PARTY for you and your other mum-friends 💃🏽
This is a perfect mix between defining your new style and catching up with other mums.
2. You can treat yourself to an Online Style Session with me:
This is a fun online session after which you will end up with clear understanding on which shapes and colours are best for you. I’m here for you. I’m the kind of personal stylist that will never make you feel bad about the size of your wardrobe or any items in it. My advice will combine my years of personal styling experience with my kind and friendly manner.
3. You can put this on your wishlist for this Mother’s Day:
And let me tell you, even though our brains and bodies are never going to be exactly the same as they were before we’ve had those precious little things, it’s all worth it! 🧡
I feel like I’d never be who I am without them (I’ve got two now). They took me apart and I put myself back together. And it’s definitely a wiser, more caring me, and it’s also a sexier, more feminine me. I am happy I have them, even though it DEFINITELY is the hardest thing I’ve ever done and will ever do.
I’m excited to share this journey with you and hear your story! If you need to hear more about what we can do together, just book a free chat and we can discuss.