“I could feel myself growing taller, smiling wider when an outfit worked! I would/will be recommending this service as feel so privileged to have someone be so honest with me, right down to my hairstyle/colour.”
— Nathalie
Kay xander mellish
It's easy to get into a stylistic rut, not realizing that fashion has changed and your body has changed over time. Kay did a great job of helping me refresh my onstage wardrobe, pointing me towards new colors and shapes that are flattering to me at this point in my career. By the end of our process, she knew my wardrobe better than I did! I would recommend Kay to any speakers who want to look better and feel more confident onstage.
Anis Qizilbash
I thought paying for a stylist was frivolous and unnecessary since I've known how to dress since I was about 10. I had this uniform that I would wear to deliver keynotes. It was a black t-shirt, a blazer and jeans. And then maybe I'd tie a scarf around. But it felt constrained, like it wasn’t me. I put myself in this little corporate box while I go and do my speaking gig.
I had no idea working with Kay would have this effect. I remember the first time I wore my new outfit to a gig, that Kay styled for me, I felt free, I was being myself. It felt amazing. You can't put a price on that. Your energy and who you put out there is important, it makes an impression, and having a comfortable style aligned with who you want to present in the world elevates your energy.
The biggest takeaway for me was, buying more expensive clothes or the latest fashion trend colours and outfits doesn't enhance your look because the shapes/ colours might not work for you.
Kay helps you find your unique style, identify what shapes / colours work best for you, and helps your curate looks for whatever occassions you need.
Penny Pullan
Kay is very supportive and positive, which makes the whole process fun and easy, and I now have clothes that look good and up to date as a pro speaker. I opened the PSA conference in 2021 wearing an amazing blue jacket that she chose for me. I did a finishing keynote for the PMI in Barcelona in the orange version of the same jacket, which looks great for webinars at night. It went really well. A green silk shirt is my favourite in-person keynote outfit now. Thank you so much Kay!
alex staniforth
Before the session with Kay I was struggling to convey my adventurer lifestyle in my dress code when delivering motivational speaking to corporate clients, and usually resorted to the typical suit attire which doesn't represent what I do or talk about. Kay's expertise introduced new ideas to strike the right balance. I liked the practical element and being able to show existing clothing ideas and get an honest opinion on what worked and what didn't, instead of guessing and things not 'feeling right'. I would definitely recommend Kay's services and only wish I'd discovered them years earlier!
Josh Peck
I have always struggled to do smart casual successfully. I find suits easy and I'm never happier than in jeans and t-shirt but everything in between is a disaster. My wardrobe was full of failed attempts to bridge the gap. Kay helped me find a style that suited me, put together outfits that worked from what I already had and then identified the couple of extra things that would fill the gaps. She also helped weed out the clothes that were never going to work from my wardrobe and helped me sell a bunch of them. She even did my colours so I could understand how I should be shopping in future.
We had a lot of fun going through my wardrobe (bizarrely - I thought I was going to hate this) and she really put me at ease. She also understood what my style was and didn't try to put me into anything that wasn't me.
It was a great experience and was immediately useful - twice that weekend I put her advice to good use and was really delighted (and surprised) at how easy it was.
I can't recommend Kay enough.
angela rigby
A totally refreshing experience. Kay is gentle, guiding, warm and honest in the way she revamps your wardrobe and overall style. Kay’s professional and expert eye totally transforms your approach to outfits and colours. The positive comments from others on the clothes Kay suggest are validation for the choices made. The style journey with Kay is practical, fun, informative and insightful. Kay is definitely a name to have in your little black book.