60 min Online Style Session + Digital Mood-Board

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60 min Online Style Session + Digital Mood-Board


Here is what we will cover in this 60 min session:

  • We will try on 5+ different outfits/things from your wardrobe - something you are unsure about how to wear or if it suits you. I will provide my feedback on them - what is worth keeping, what is worth giving away, why certain things suit you.

  • We will dive deeply into the colours which suit you by trying on a variety of tops you’ve got and looking at your skin tone and the combo of skin/eye/hair colours.

  • We will discuss in detail how to develop your own signature style which you feel comfortable in and which is appropriate for your lifestyle and makes you feel confident

  • I will then summarise any advice given in the session in an email, including the colour palette and the shapes which work for you.

  • The super exciting thing, is that you will end up with your very own Digital Mood-board, which will include the inspiration images of your Signature Style, the styles and colours which work for you and the brands you might like to explore. This will help you save time and money when you shop as you will have a clear understanding of what works for you.

Here is what Nathalie thought:

“I had mine on zoom and it worked extremely well. Before the session I had to sort my clothes into items, it made me think I don’t actually like any of my clothes, so what can she do as I didn’t want to buy any more, but thats not what happened Kay puts items/colours/layers in ways I would never and they worked so well. Every outfit has a photo taken for you to remember (now all inside my wardrobe). I could feel myself growing taller, smiling wider when an outfit worked! I would/will be recommending this service as feel so privileged to have someone be so honest with me, right down to my hairstyle/colour.”

Check out the video below!

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