“I had no idea working with Kay would have this effect. I remember the first time I wore my new outfit to the speaking gig. I felt free. Instead of crawling into that drawer to get ready for the gig, I was just being myself. It was just amazing. It felt really good. it’s intangible. You can’t put a price on that, because your energy makes a difference when you speak on stage, right? Your energy and who you’re putting out there is very important and it just really helped catapult that.”
— Anis Qizilbash - Creator of MINDFUL SELLING and AGILE MINDSET method, TEDx speaker

About me

Find out what I’ve been up to in the past 20 years, including which actors I worked with and why I stopped.


I help keynote speakers go from feeling and looking like "someone else" and "being safe" to finding your unique style so you can look and feel authentic, confident and be memorable.

what I offer

Ready to look great on stage? Find out how we can work together.